Saturday, April 23, 2016

Acorn vs Chiquita

After learning about the Acorn scandal in our Independent Media class, I soon became enraged with the way our system works. I didn't understand how a group of teenagers using mediocre video editing techniques were able to bring down an organization that was able to help millions of people; while organizations like Chiquita fund paramilitary operatives and destroy the lives of millions were somehow able to get away from the brunt of the media.

The only difference between the two instances is the face that O'Keefe used illegal methods to create a scandal about Acorn, while the Chiquita scandal was a real event that used illegal methods to uncover. As a result, the court tossed out the Chiquita lawsuit, because the evidence that was obtained was illegal. Chiquita to this day remains intact and profitable, while Acorn was completely demolished by the slanderous video that circulated all over mainstream media. The only media outlets that even remotely covered the Chiquita scandal were independent media outlets like Wired and The Nation.

What a terrible precedent to set for not only the media but for a nation looking to establish it's own morals. Public organizations designed to help people in ruins while massive corporations remain in power with little no to no consequences. Something, somewhere is failing.

What are we teaching the children of the future generations with court cases like this? That if you have enough money and power, the end justifies the means? Or that if you don't have the money and resources, that you won't be able to take on those who do?

Something needs to change.

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